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Woolwich Community Lions Club members who have passed. Joan was enthusiastic when she learned that a new lions club was being formed in Elmira and attended the first planning meeting at PDG Art Woods’ home. She was a member of the Charter Committee, served on our first Board of Directors and became our third Lion Chief. Throughout her 17 years as a Lion, Joan
held many positions on our executive. Joan left our club in June of 2020 when she moved to Waterloo.

Because we were a new club with very little experience in Lionism, Joan organized Long Tail Lion visits where members of our club visited every Lions Club in District A15. Several of us received our Long Tail Lion award. Joan loved to drive and was always ready to take us anywhere in the EGO van.
The Affair to Remember, our club’s biggest fundraiser, was Joan’s brainchild. Many of us have
fond memories of working alongside her decorating, working in the bar, and preparing food. Joan was always ready to lend a helping hand or share a laugh, or two, or three. Her smile certainly
brightened a room.

Joan grew up in the Westmount neighbourhood of Waterloo, where she made many close friends,
maintaining strong bond with many throughout her entire life. As a young woman, she travelled
extensively before starting a business with Doug and beginning to raise her family in Elmira. Joan
particularly enjoyed the years she and her family lived at the family ‘farm’ outside of West
Montrose. Summer days spent swinging in the hammock with the family dog Buddy at her side; she
kept a watchful eye as her sons repeatedly swung from the tree rope, splashing into the pond. This
was where Joan was happiest. She made her home open and welcoming to family and friends alike,
working hard to create a place where everyone felt loved. Joan always enjoyed her time in Florida,
and in her later years spent her winters down South, enjoying the sun. She loved the beach, walking
for hours and biking the trails in the mornings.
Joan experienced the joy of spending time with her grandchildren and never missed an opportunity
for a big hug and a kind word. She was happy, positive and had an infectious smile. Her strength
and humility shone through in everything she did.

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LION CAROLE WOODS (1942 - 2020)

Carole, a charter member of Woolwich Community Lions, has left us with a lifetime of wonderful  memories!
She was involved in the formation of our club, from the very first moment when she opened her home to anyone interested in forming a new Lions club in Elmira. She served on our first Board of Directors. Carole was a private, but very caring person.

Carole was passionate about Lions Project Pride and for many years visited the grade one classes at our local schools to share with them the pride we have in them, our community, and our country. She always left them with a Canadian flag, a Certificate and a Maple Leaf cookie from her “Roaring” Lion cookie jar.
For many years her passion has been playing bridge. She played in numerous clubs and other groups and was always ready and more than willing to "play a game" anytime, anywhere. We know she is now sitting at a table somewhere where her opposition lives in fear when she makes her famous "3 no trump" bid. Over the years she also enjoyed bowling, curling, and golfing. Carole was loved by all who knew her. Her family, her wide circle of friends and our extended Lions family. Her infectious smile and her great ability to make people laugh and be happy served her well.
For over 30 years she faithfully and totally supported her husband and best friend, PID Art, as they travelled extensively throughout North America and other parts of the world to hundreds of Lions meetings, conventions and forums. She, without complaint, sat at the head table where she listened with feigned interest to his speeches and politely endured his oft repeated and purportedly humorous stories, always politely laughing at the appropriate time. 
Carole loved life and clearly life loved her back.  She leaves behind a hole in our WCLC community and in our hearts!

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Lion Stephanie Futher was a charter member of our club. She was both a fine lady and an amazing Lion, who strived for excellence in her everyday life as a wife, mother and grandmother.  

In her teaching career as a nursing instructor at Conestoga College, she came full circle with the 
graduation of her students. Her skills showed in the excellent care she received throughout  her hospital stay.

Excellency followed Stephanie everywhere she went. She was the first lady to hold the President’s position in the late 80’s at the Elmira & District Curling Club.  Golfing was another of 

Stephanie’s passions and she could strike the ball with authority. She loved playing bridge, sewing and quilting and also found time to do volunteer work at the hospital.

Lions was a big part of Stephanie’s life, long before our club was formed.  She loved working by
her husband’s side at his club’s events.  Her love for Lions carried over into the formation of our club. She was part of our first Executive Committee as a One Year Director and worked very hard on various committees and fundraisers throughout her time with us. 

The biggest challenge that Stephanie took on in her time with our club was spearheading the Lions Peace Poster Contest. She even went out to the local schools to promote the contest and 

encouraged the students to get involved. She again shared her passion for excellence when she helped to choose the winning poster, which then went on to win at the District level.

Stephanie was proud to be a Lion and always expressed interest in what was happening within our club, even after she was no longer able to attend.  We are honored to have had her as a member.

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